Answering Creationist Challenges to Evolution
Science, and in particular evolutionary theory, is under attack by creationists (mostly Young Earth Creationists). Even though there is no doubt about the fact of evolution within the scientific community, the number and diversity of the objections to evolution raised by creationists can put even well-informed people at a disadvantage. John Rennie, editor at the Scientific American, has compiled 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense (pdf) which can be a useful resource for those encountering such people.
Head on over and check it out.
Here is a list of the challenges Rennie addresses:
- Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.
- Natural selection is based on circular reasoning: the fittest are those who survive, and those who survive are deemed fittest.
- Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created.
- Increasingly, scientists doubt the truth of evolution.
- The disagreements among even evolutionary biologists show how little solid science supports evolution.
- If humans descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
- Evolution cannot explain how life first appeared on earth.
- Mathematically, it is inconceivable that anything as complex as a protein, let alone a living cell or a human, could spring up by chance.
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that systems must become more disordered over time. Living cells therefore could not have evolved from inanimate chemicals, and multicellular life could not have evolved from protozoa.
- Mutations are essential to evolution theory, but mutations can only eliminate traits. They cannot produce new features.
- Natural selection might explain microevolution, but it cannot explain the origin of new species and higher orders of life.
- Nobody has ever seen a new species evolve.
- Evolutionists cannot point to any transitional fossils--creatures that are half reptile and half bird, for instance.
- Living things have fantastically intricate features--at the anatomical, cellular and molecular levels--that could not function if they were any less complex or sophisticated. The only prudent conclusion is that they are the products of intelligent design, not evolution.
- Recent discoveries prove that even at the microscopic level, life has a quality of complexity that could not have come about through evolution.
Head on over and check it out.
Labels: creationism, evolution